The Scorekeeper Scoreboard app software by ScoreVision is the heart of our scorekeeping and fan engagement. This app-based scoring software has been carefully designed to make the scorekeeper`s job easier than ever, for all sports played on the premises, and with a game-like interface that is quick and easy to learn.
In – App Scoring
With the Scorekeeper Scoreboard app software, every sport your sports program plays, plus the versatile Multi-Scorer app, scoring for any sport is easy. Like switching apps on iPad. Your connected LED Video Scoreboard and Fan app easily transforms to support any sport you need to score.
Scorekeeping App Software
All app software are user friendly and designed to integrate all scoring, timing, stat tracking, lists and other related information for each sport.
Tracking Statistics
Our supported multisport Scorekeeper Scoreboard app software includes stat tracking features that are stored in the ScoreVision Cloud and can be shared with fans in anywhere through the Fans app.
Personal Information
Score information is automatically sent to the ScoreVision Fans app, so fans around the world can stay up to date with the action in the game.
Player Recognition
For many sports, this software offers our exclusive one-touch player hug feature. The marker can display auto-generated player animations on the connected LED display at the touch of a button.